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Girls Xcel Program Tryouts

Xcel tryouts 2023 will be held 

in May 2024.  Date to be announced. 


 Tryout Information 

We currently have 4 divisions of Xcel: Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond, each with specific requirements. 

Practices are 2 hours, two or three days per week, year round. Practices begin in June.

Tryouts will be based on skills, strength and flexibility. 

If you are unable to make the tryout date, speak to Cherie about an alternative.

Email us at

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Girls J.O. Program Tryouts

Tryouts for Girls Level 1 pre-team &

Level 3 are Saturday, December 9th, 2023, from 12:15 - 1:15pm


 Tryout Information 

Tryouts for level 4 & above needs to be scheduled with Maya or Tammy.  Typically  anyone interested in a tryout for level 4 or above, we have workout with a level appropriate group for two practices to see where they would be placed in our program and to give you a chance to meet us and see what we do.

Email us at

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